So I know it's been a while since I posted but my life has been pretty slow. I worked all week and it hasn't gotten too eventful yet because I don't officially start seeing my clients until tomorrow! I got a little taste of working with clients though because some of them couldn't wait until Monday!
I did get a phone call from my sister this week though telling me she had a fire in her house!! Don't worry everyone and everything is fine!! She called me while I was at work though, so I was curious what was going on. She said it was a long story but I told her she had to tell me anyways :) She then told me there was a fire in the house! I knew no one was hurt because she was too calm but I was worried about damage! Luckily she said she didn't have any permanent damage...just a smoke filled how did this fire start you may be thinking :) Well my sister went out to do errands and had a casserole dish sitting on her stove. The dogs were left out of their crates (which has become the norm lately) and the lovely beagle, Howie, tried to jump on the stove to get the dish and turned on the stove!
When Rach got home she heard a high pitched noise but didn't realize what it was until she practically got in her house and realized it was her smoke alarm! Rach opened the door and her house was FILLED with smoke. Luckily the "fire" was pretty much contained to the container on the stove but because the lid on the dish was plastic it smoked horribly! To make a long story short Rach called the fire dept, got the dogs out (who are ok!) and had to stay in a hotel for a day while her house was cleaned top to bottom to get the smoke out of her house and all her things. She's even had to get all new food. Luckily her home owner's insurance is good and covered the cleaning after a deductible. So this was a big scare and lesson to everyone to be careful with pets or kids that could cause these accidents!
I also bought my plane ticket for my trip home over labor day weekend! It's going to be the shortest trip ever (3 days) but I'm so excited to get home and go to the blueberry festival;) However getting plane tickets was sooo stressful! My ticket was easy. I decided to fly becuase I had no other option. I wanted to take a train back but because I'm such a procrastinator it was sold out!! So then I looked at bus tickets and they were $300!!!! I told Ali this and he was like "I just saw plane tickets for the price!". So I decided to fly even though I get extremely frustrated flying. Like I said tickets was pretty easy to find and cost $319. Then we had to try to get Ali a ticket...this was interesting. We are flying seperate because I'm flying late friday and back tues morning and he's flying sat night and leaving thurs evening. He couldn't get Saturday off of work, which was annoying but what can you do. Ali actually had a voucher from Continental from a previous flight when he agreed to switch flights because they overbooked. To make it easy we decided to just call Continential. Big mistake...but we don't learn this til later. So we call them and we get a guy and explain we need a ticket from NYC to South Bend on Saturday the 30th and back on Thurs Sept 4th. So the guy says he has a ticket for Saturday night to Thursday for NY to South Bend. Great. We buy it. He tells use he'll get an email confirmation within a few hours and if he doesn't to call Continential back the next day. Well Ali never got the confirmation so we called Continental back the next day to tell them. I call them first just to fix the email ( I'm better at being nice and patient on the phone ;) and think I hear something about Indianapolis. So after I fix the email I tell the man I also need to confirm the flight is from NY to South Bend and just my luck, he says "why no ma'am, it's to and from Indianapolis". Grrrrrrrr I don't even have the energy to re-explain the next 2 1/2 hours on the phone!!! That's right people 2 1/2 hours! But they agreed to waive the change fee and charged us and extra $100 for a differently flight home...coming in he's still coming in to Indianapolis late Saturday night and I have to go pick him up :( Not real excited about this people. Luckily on Thursday he's flying out of South Bend into NY though. Let me just say flying is no longer convenient or priced for the average American so my goal is to begin flying as little as possible. I will be taking a train home for Thanksgiving and Christmas FYI!
On Thursday we had a staff appreciation day so I didn't have to go to work! Instead we had a bbq at an outdoor restaurant in the city. I actually enjoyed it. The weather was great and I've gotten to know my co-workers well enough that I felt comfortable spending a few hours with them! We sat around and ate and they had a few things for us to do like dancing, face painting, and henna. I got the henna because I've always wanted to try it and it was free. Here's a picture of mine! It's faded a little bit but you can still see it!
This weekend was my first weekend not working and being home! It was so nice and relaxing I NEVER want to have a job that is on the weekends ever again! I can't even begin to describe how much it helped me relax! Saturday I did errands and hung out with Reena again. We did a little shopping and had dinner at an Italian restaurant. Today I did more shopping with Ali...gosh it sounds like I'm shopping a lot! Today we got groceries though...and I didn't pay :). It just feels nice to have a week I start classes again so my life will become a little a weekend of laziness is a good thing.
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